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Trench Coat


For concert band / 6′ / Grade 4.5 / Composed in 2018

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Trench Coat, for concert band

Commissioned by the Concordia Band, Moorhead, MN; Peter Haberman, Director
Premiered on April 8, 2018, by the Concordia College 2018 Honor Band; Jim Stephenson conducting

piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, 3 Bb clarinets, bass clarinet, saxophones: 2 altos, tenor, baritone, 2 Bb trumpets, 3 french horns, 2 trombones, bass trombone, euphonium, tuba, timpani, double bass, percussion:
mallets: marimba, vibes, xylophone
percussion 1: snare drum, triangle
percussion 2: bongos, claves, slap-sticks, shakers, bells, snare drum (2nd drum)
percussion 3: tambourine, china cymbal, suspended cymbal, tam-tam
percussion 4: bass drum, flexatone

The music:

Trench Coat was conceived to be – in short – a fun piece of music to listen to.
It is essentially a musical mystery, as the title might suggest, exploring two themes that are both trying to find the suspect and solve the “crime”. The first theme presents itself in a sneaky fashion, quietly lurking and searching. The second theme is chase music, where we feel we are definitely on to something, if we can only catch up to it. Ultimately, the two themes come together to try to work together to solve the case. But do they?

I am very grateful to Peter Haberman and the Concordia Band of Moorhead, MN, for inviting me to create this work. It was commissioned as part of a weekend where I myself would be conducting the premiere, and working with he your musicians. That is what inspired me to write something fun, as that is ultimately what music should be.

Jim Stephenson, January 31, 2018



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Digital Download, Shipped Parts

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Original Work

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