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On the Birth of Christ


For SATB choir unaccompanied / 3′ / Composed in 1997

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On the Birth of Christ (one of 3 advent carols)

For SATB choir unaccompanied
Duration: 3’

Commissioned in 1997, in loving memory of John R. “Jack” Larson.
Written for and premiered by the Choir of Trinity-by-the-Cove Episcopal Church, Naples, Florida – Stephen L. Furches Organist/Choirmaster.

Text by Miles Coverdale:

Now blessed be thou, Christ Jesus; Thou art man borne, this is true:

The aungels made a mery noyse,
Yet have we more cause to rejoyse.
Kirie eleyson.
The blessed Sonne of God onely in a crybbe, full poore did lye: With oure poore flesh and oure poore bloude
Was clothed that ever lastyne good
Kirie eleyson Kirie eleyson
He that made heaven and earth of nought,
In oure flesh hath oure health brought:
For oure sake made he hymselfe full small,
That reighneth Lorde and Kynge over all.
Kirie eleyson Kirie eleyson
Eternall light doth now appeare
To all the worlde farre and neare;
It shyneth full cleare even at mydnyght,
Malynge us chyldren of his lyght.
Kirie eleyson
The Lorde Christ Jesus, God’s Sonne deare,
Was a gest and a straunger here;
Us for to bryng from mysery, myght lyve eternally
Kirie eleyson,
Into this world ryght poore came he,
To make us ryche in mercye:
Therefore wolde he oure synnes for geve
That we with hym in heaven myght lyve.
Kirie eleyson Kirie eleyson
All this dyd he for us frely, for to declare his great mercy
All Christendome be mery therefore, mery therefore,
And geve hym thankes, and geve hym thankes evermore.
Kirie eleyson Kirie eleyson

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Type of Purchase

Shipped Parts

Type of Work

Holiday, Original Work


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