May 30, 2020
French Horn Duet Version Commissioned by Heather Pettit Johnson
From “Maytudes” – a french horn etude project in consultation with Gail Williams, with one etude created every day during the month of May, 2020
from composer Jim Stephenson (from original Maytudes etude book):
It’s hard to ignore what’s going on this country these days. Nor should we.
It’s a complete mess.
A global pandemic has become political; another killing of a black man by a white police officer has torn the city of Minneapolis, and the nation, apart. No matter which side of the fence one stands politically, no one can say that the country is not a whirlwind of disaster right now.
I find myself angry. And while I plan to offer some music tomorrow that hopes for some solace and peace, I felt it necessary today to let out of some of the anger boiling inside.
And therefore, “Maylstrom” is all loud, or louder. It has flurries of notes.
The tempo is probably marked too fast. It’s stormy music, meant to be played aggressively and frankly, angrily.
It’s important to let emotions release once in a while. Hopefully the high A’s at the end can provide that release for anyone playing this particular etude.