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Double Play


Trumpet Duet Book: based on the 2016 World Series (Go CUBS!) / Composed in 2016

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Double Play – Based on the 2016 WORLD SERIES between the Chicago Cubs and the Cleveland Indians

For 2 trumpets

The opening 26 measures represent the excitement before the game starts, with fans and teams proudly boasting for their players, including hints of “Take me out to the ball-game”. Trumpet 1 is representing the CUBS, while Trumpet 2 represents the Indians.

It was very clear early on that the Cleveland pitcher Corey Kluber would be dominating this game, hence the title. The CUBS struck out 8 times in the first 3 innings. This is represented musically by several “whiffs” notated in trumpet 1. Starting in measure 40, the Indians start to mount a quiet charge in the key of D (the dominant key). Every time the CUBS (trumpet 1) begin to rally, even if just a little, it is immediately squashed out by trumpet 2.

The big moments at measures 61-64 and 85-88 represent the two home-runs hit by Cleveland catcher Roberto Perez, which essentially put the game out of reach for the CUBS. Finally, the Indians musically triumph as well, while the CUBS whimper away to almost their lowest point.

Because the Indians won 6-0, there are many references to the number six, and the tempo marking and number of measures are no accident, as they symbolize the 108 years it has been since the CUBS have won the World Series.

It is also no accident that I always put the “CUBS” in all-caps, signaling the team to which I have always held my allegiance. We’ll see what happens…

The 7 duets + encore are:
I. The CUBS get Klubered
II. Aria-etta in Blue
III. Burnt by a Crisp
IV. Klubered Again!
V. Lester is More
VI. Russelled Feathers
VII. Reign Delay
Encore – Fly the W

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Original Work


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