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Chorale in Blue


For concert band / 7′ / Grade 4 / Composed in 2018

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Chorale in Blue, for concert band

Commissioned by the South East Iowa Bandmasters Association for the High School Honor Band 2019

piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, 3 Bb clarinets, bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet, saxophones: 2 altos, tenor, baritone, 3 Bb trumpets, 4 french horns, 2 trombones, bass trombone, euphonium, tuba, timpani, double bass, percussion:
perc 1 (mallets): glockenspiel (shared), xylophonZ
perc 2 (mallets): vibraphone, marimba (shared), chimes, glockenspiel (shared)
percussion 3: wood block, cymb a2, triangle, marimba (shared)
percussion 4: snare drum, 4 toms, triangle, wind chimes, hi-hat, cymb a2
percussion 5: sus. cymb, tambourine, tam-tam (shared), cymb a2
percussion 6: tam-tam (shared), bass drum

The music:

Chorale in Blue was inspired by nothing other than the thought of a dark street
at night, perhaps lit up by a solitary street-lamp, and the thoughts that might occur in one’s mind in such a spot.
It is also an exercise in the blues scale, in several keys, so that the players might have an
opportunity to familiarize themselves with the constructs of such an important musical
root of our American history.
The music is sometimes thoughtful, or sometimes animated, and sometimes gritty,
but should always hopefully be fun to play.

Jim Stephenson; December 7, 2018

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Type of Purchase

Digital Download, Shipped Parts

Type of Work

Original Work


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