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August in York


For solo trumpet and wind ensemble (or piano red.) / 8′ / Grade 4 / Composed in 2008

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August in York (2008) for solo trumpet and concert band or piano reduction

Commissioned in honor of Charles J. Long on the occasion of his 70th birthday, by his family:  Evelyn W. Long, Jennifer and Robin Adams, Joseph and Ichiko Long, Daniel and Jennifer Long, Russell and Lucinda Long, Catherine and Gerald Fischer, Eleanor and Ralph Ziegler.

Premiered on August 17, 2008 by the Spring Garden Band of York, PA with Charles Long, a 45 – year member, as soloist.

In early 2008, I was approached by Jerry and Cathy Fischer to compose a new work for Cathy’s brother, Chuck Long. Jerry and Cathy had been long supporters of my music through the Minnesota Commissioning Club, so I was thrilled to have the chance to work with them again. August in York is a combination of two things that are important to Chuck:  Jazz music (Autumn in New York) and York, Pennsylvania.  The piece includes a direct homage to the famous jazz tune, during which the soloist has the opportunity to play an improvised solo, if desired.

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Featured Soloists, Original Work

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