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A Holly and Jolly Sing Along


For orchestra with SATB choir, and/or children’s choir, and/or audience / 9′ / Arranged in 2009
*3*3*32 – 4331 – t+3 – hp – kybds(opt) – str

For chamber orchestra with SATB choir, and/or children’s choir, and/or audience.
2222 – 4221 – t+2 –  hp – str

For REDUCED orchestra  pno, harp, 2 or more percussion, strings, choir, and/or solo vocals



Brief notes about A Holly and Jolly Sing-Along!:

This sing-along, in total, lasts roughly 9:15.
The estimated timings and titles for the selections including:

:38 Intro
:46 Deck the Hall
1:40 Jingle Bells
:44 The Holly and the Ivy
:55 Joy to the World
:45 We Wish You a Merry Christmas

This sing-along was constructed in a modular fashion, allowing for multiple cuts or re-arrangement of the tunes as needed. Though the order of the individual tunes could be changed, the cuts work best if the order remains the same, with the user simply omitting the selections not desired for use.

More explanation of cuts:
There are two types of cuts possible.

1) Cuts marked with 2 asterisks and a lower-case letter – “**a” (e.g.) – indicate where a verse of a given song may be deleted. Example: (“Jingle Bells” ) and the destination of the cut is specifically marked.

2) Cuts marked with one asterisk and a number – “*2” (e.g.) – indicate
the point where the option is available to jump to any similarly marked spot.

One of the more annoying markings in the score will no doubt be “Molto rit. – if ending here” This is marked at the end of almost every tune, and is again an attempt to allow for extreme versatility with this medley, as each performer may choose to change it up
to suit their needs. The medley works best if played from beginning to end with no cuts, in which case that particular marking should be ignored, but it does allow for each tune to serve as the ending of the medley, if so desired.

“A Holly and Jolly Sing-Along” can be performed in many settings: Orchestra alone (large orchestra or reduced orchestra)
Orchestra w/ audience
Orchestra w/ SATB choir

Orchestra w/ Children’s choir
Orchestra w/ SATB choir and children’s choir. (performers would need to decide who sings when.) Orchestra with everyone singing.

The piano/vocal can be sold separately for choirs interested in performing it alone (w/out orchestra).

The instrumentation is as follows: *3*3*32 – 4331 – T+3 – hp – kybds (optional) – str Please note: Once again, in an effort to suit a wide variety of circumstances, the scoring is such that the medley could just as easily be played by an orchestra of:
2222 – 4221 – T+2 – hp – str

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Type of Work

Arrangements, Holiday


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