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Dialogue of Self and Soul


For solo bassoon, opt. voice, and wind ensemble (or orchestral winds), or solo bassoon, piano quintet, with opt. voice and perc., or solo bassoon and piano reduction / 20′ / Composed in 2013
Version for solo saxophone also available

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A Dialogue of Self and Soul (2013)

For bassoon, opt. voice, and wind ensemble(or orchestral winds); solo bassoon, opt voice, piano quintet, and opt percussion; or piano reduction. (Version for solo saxophone also available)
Duration: 20′

Commissioned by Craig Kirchhoff, University of Minnesota: lead consortium member, organizer and:
Florida State University, Richard Clary, director
Penn State University, Dennis Glocke, director
University of Michigan, Michael Haithcock, director
University of Texas, Jerry Junkin, director
Ohio State University, Russ Mikkelson, director
University of Massachusetts / Amherst, James Miller, director
University of Illinois, Robert Rumbelow, director
Eastern Michigan University, Mary Schneider, director
University of Wisconsin / Madison, Scott Teeple, director

I am content to follow to its source
Every event in action or in thought;
Measure the lot; forgive myself the lot!
When such as I cast out remorse
So great a sweetness flows into the breast
We must laugh and we must sing,
We are blest by everything,
Everything we look upon is blest.

Notes from the Composer: 

“A Dialogue of Self and Soul” was never intended to be my concept for a bassoon concerto, composed for a consortium of wind ensembles (see above) led by Craig Kirchhoff at the University of Minnesota. But it just so happened that as the project came to be, I was directed by happenstance to the Yeats poem, and was very taken by its meaning (or my interpretation of its meaning).
As a composer, we are often pulled – almost on a daily basis – to consider what we write: who is the piece really for? Is it for the soloist, and his/her expectations? Or is it for the person/people commissioning the work, and what might work best for their needs? Or is it for the audience? Ideally, and the expected answer is, of course, that we should compose for ourselves first, and that everything else will take care of itself. Easier said than done.

That’s a risky proposition. If the piece then falls into dislike, or suffers bad critical review, then those responses are direct criticisms of our self as a person. The opposite is true, no doubt, but nonetheless, this is the line we must constantly walk as composers: our “dialogue” that runs constantly through our heads (or at least mine).

And so the two movements of this concerto are very contrasting. (as most concertos should be anyway). One plays up to some expectations, while the other ignores. It’s almost as if I worked through the issue described above throughout the concerto itself.

One constant remains however: a solo bassoon part intended to be accessible to almost all levels of player; not too difficult for the young player, but also musically rewarding and stimulating for the seasoned professional.

The ending is different from most other music I’ve composed, and the repetition should be heralded, rather than labored. It should end with rapture; prolonged silence by the audience at the end would be most welcome.

Jim Stephenson Aug. 1, 2013


While the vocal solo part is optional (flugelhorn cues are scored), it is most certainly preferable by all means. Please use just one player per part.
My most sincere gratitude goes out to my good friend Craig Kirchhoff for his faith in my music, and for putting this consortium together.

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Concertos, Featured Soloists, Original Work

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