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2/2 Tango


For trumpet and piano / 4′ / Composed in 2010

SKU: SM22Tango.01 Categories: , , , Tag:


2/2 Tango (2010)

For trumpet and piano
Duration: 4′

Day-tude #2 from Day-tudes Volume 1, February

Day-TUDES” are a series of etudes written each day during the month of February, 2010. The first thing I should do is to try to eliminate any confusion based on the title. The 2/2 in the title does NOT refer to the time signature, but rather to the date of composing this etude (February 2nd, 2010). Then, of course, the “shadow” in the subtitle is a reference to that yearly occurrence of Groundhog’s Day – the significance of which I am still trying to understand. This etude, while offering worthwhile skill challenges, should be nothing other than fun, I hope. It is characteristic of my work that I like to play around with dynamics and sudden harmonic twists and turns, or the addition of accented non-chord tones to add a little unexpected spice. When gathered as a whole, I do believe all of these elements combine to form a nice little “Day-tude.”

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